Logo topservices

T: (066) 7126255

F: 066 7125674

E: info@oakparkmedicalcentre.com 

Opening Hours

  • Monday to Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
  • Urgent clinic between 17:00 - 18:00
  • Monday to Friday after 18:00:  Call Southdoc 0818 355 999
  • Saturdays & Sundays: Call Southdoc 0818 355 999
  • Bank Holidays: Call Southdoc 0818 355 999

Medical Certificates

clipboardSocial Welfare Certificates are usually issued weekly and requests can be made at reception. We require 48hours notice to prepare these. Please note; we are only able to issue medical certs based on the information that is held in your records. To be commenced on certs you will need to be seen by one of the doctors. Your PPS number is also required to complete the cert.