Logo topservices

T: (066) 7126255

F: 066 7125674

E: info@oakparkmedicalcentre.com 

Opening Hours

  • Monday to Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
  • Urgent clinic between 17:00 - 18:00
  • Monday to Friday after 18:00:  Call Southdoc 0818 355 999
  • Saturdays & Sundays: Call Southdoc 0818 355 999
  • Bank Holidays: Call Southdoc 0818 355 999

Change of Details

stethoscopePlease inform us of any change in your contact details (surname, phone number, address, email address, medical card number etc.) so that we can update your file on our system. This can be done by phoning 066 7126255  or filling out the form below

Change of details form

  1. Name on record(*)
    Please let us know your name.
  2. Email on record(*)
    Please let us know your email address.
  3. Date of Birth(*)
    Invalid Input
  4. Change details for:

    Invalid Input
  5. New Surname
    Invalid Input
  6. New Address
    Please let us know your message.
  7. New Phone
    Invalid Input
  8. New Email
    Invalid Input
  9. New Medical Card Number
    Invalid Input
  10. Anti-Spam(*)
    Invalid Input
  11. Currently our email is non-secure. Please ensure that you are satisfied with these terms before submitting information